Yoga for Children  

Posted by Yash in

Young adults and children enjoy a level of flexibility that most adults can only dream of. Unfortunately, many of the exercise programs designed for children do not allow them to fully explore their physical skills. Yoga presents kids with a chance for them to use this natural flexibility to their advantage. Yoga helps children not only to improve physical strength, but also to build self-esteem, concentration skills, and social interaction skills.

Kids are encouraged to explore and discover the relation between mind and body in a fun-filled way through Yoga. Learning Yoga can be a fun and creative. It is very helpful for kids as their bodies are still developing. The use of animated poses and basic stretching and breathing exercises promotes strength, flexibility, coordination and body awareness. Breathing and visualization techniques teach kids how to focus, relax and develop self-control.

Exercising can improve concentration and focus, stimulate the child's imagination and help to release energy in a fun and safe environment.

Yoga therapy for kids also promotes inner-strength, confidence and self-esteem. It creates a feeling of well-being, respect and love for others and the self. As you may know, yoga is an ancient form of meditation from India. The word, yoga comes from the Sanskrit language, and means to yoke or unite the body, mind, and spirit. One type of Yoga is Kundalini Yoga. It focuses on strong breathing and dynamic exercise and is suitable for children because of their active minds and bodies.

Children who participate in yoga have an advantage. For example, yoga helps children become self-confident and self-aware, as well as physically fit. Yoga has been known to help with many medical conditions, such as asthma, insomnia and digestion disorders. Enrolling your kids in a yoga class and encouraging them to participate in this activity can be very helpful.

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